
How Individual Costs React To Changes In Activity


Past Dennis Caplan, University at Albany (Country Academy of New York)

Chapter four:Toll Behavior

Chapter Contents:

- Introduction

- Variable costs

- Fixed costs

- Relevant range

- Mixed costs

- Price behavior assumptions in direction accounting versus microeconomics

- Exercises and problems


The most of import building cake of both microeconomic analysis and cost bookkeeping is the label of how costs change every bit output book changes. Output volume can refer to product, sales, or any other principle activity that is appropriate for the organization under consideration (e.g.: for a school, number of students enrolled; for a wellness clinic, number of patient visits; for an airline, number of rider miles). The following discussion examines the volume of production in a factory, simply the same principles apply regardless of the blazon of organization and the appropriate measure of activity.

Costs can exist variable, stock-still, or mixed.

Variable Costs:

Variable costs vary in a linear style with the production level. However, when stated on a per unit ground, variable costs remain abiding across all production levels within the relevant range . The post-obit two charts depict this human relationship between variable costs and output book.


A good example of a variable price is materials. If 1 pair of pants requires $10 of textile, and so every pair of pants requires $10 of cloth, no thing how many pairs are made. The fabric cost is $x per unit at every level of production. If one pair is made, the total fabric cost is $10; if two pairs are made, the total fabric cost is $xx; and if 1,000 pairs are fabricated, the total fabric cost is $x,000. Hence, the total cost is increasing and linear in the product level.

Fixed Costs:

Fixed costs do not vary with the production level. Total fixed costs remain the aforementioned, inside the relevant range . However, the stock-still price per unit decreases as production increases, because the same fixed costs are spread over more units. The following ii charts describe this relationship betwixt fixed costs and output book.

In this example, stock-still costs are $50,000. The kickoff nautical chart shows that fixed costs remain $l,000 at all production levels from 100 units to 1,000 units. The 2d nautical chart shows that the stock-still cost per unit decreases as product increases. Hence, when 100 units are manufactured, the fixed cost per unit of measurement is $500 ($l,000 � 100). When 500 units are manufactured, the stock-still cost per unit is $100 ($fifty,000 � 500).

Relevant Range:

The relevant range is the range of activity (e.g., product or sales) over which these relationships are valid. For example, if the factory is operating at chapters, increasing production requires additional investment in stock-still costs to expand the facility or to lease or build another factory. Alternatively, production might be reduced below a threshold at which point ane of the company�s factories is no longer needed, and the fixed costs associated with that mill can be avoided. With respect to variable costs, the company might authorize for a volume disbelieve on fabric purchases above some production level. The relevant range for characterizing fabric as a variable cost ends at that product level, because the fabric cost per unit of output is unlike when the manufactory produces in a higher place that threshold than when the manufactory produces below that threshold.

Mixed Costs:

If, within a relevant range, a cost is neither fixed nor variable, information technology is called semi-variable or mixed . Following are two common examples of mixed costs.

In this instance, although the full cost line increases in production, information technology does not pass through the origin because in that location is a stock-still cost component. An example of a cost that fits this description is electricity. A fixed amount of electricity is required to run the manufacturing plant air conditioning, computers and lights. In that location is as well a variable cost component related to running the machines on the manufactory floor. The fixed component in this example is $3,000 per month. The variable cost component is $x per unit of output. Hence, at a production level of 500 units, the total electric price is $8,000 [$3,000 + ($10 x 500)].

The mixed toll illustrated in the higher up chart is chosen a step function. An example of such toll behavior would be the total salary expense for shift supervisors. If the manufacturing plant runs i shift, simply one shift supervisor is required. In club for the factory to produce above the maximum chapters of a unmarried shift, the factory must add together a 2nd shift and hire a second shift supervisor, so that total shift supervisor bacon expense doubles. If the factory runs three shifts, three shift supervisors are required.

Cost Beliefs Assumptions in Management Accounting Versus Microeconomics:

Microeconomic analysis unremarkably assumes decreasing marginal costs of production, sometimes followed by increasing marginal costs of product beyond a certain product level. Hence, economists� graphs of the total cost of production and the average per-unit cost of production show shine, curved functions. Management accountants commonly presume the linear relationships depicted in the previous graphs. Linearity is a more accurate description of many situations encountered by management accountants than the economists� curves, and even when linearity constitutes a simplifying assumption it is almost always sufficiently descriptive for the task at paw.��

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Direction Accounting Concepts and Techniques; copyright 2006; most contempo update: Nov 2010

For a printer-friendly version, contact Dennis Caplan at [electronic mail protected]


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