
How To Change Where Geth.exe Writes To

How to sync an Ethereum node without making the mistakes I made

past Zack

How to sync an Ethereum node without making the mistakes I made


When I showtime started developing on the Ethereum platform, syncing a node was ane of the first few things I did. With no ane to concur my hand and nowhere to consolidate all the common errors I encountered, I wasted weeks just syncing a node. It was such a headache that I almost gave up.

Not knowing the terminology only made it harder.

And and so, in this article, I want to consolidate all the common errors you might face up and explain the reasons behind each pace when syncing a node. Hopefully, you lot won't have such a nasty early experience as I did.

A quick intro

In Ethereum, developers create pieces of an application that run on the network. These are called smart contracts. Although you tin deploy them manually without syncing to an Ethereum node, in the long run it's more than user-friendly for the evolution procedure to sync (especially when we want to use development frameworks like Truffle).

To sync an Ethereum node, we will need the following software:

  • Geth — Client for an Ethereum node.
  • Ethereum Wallet — User interface for an Ethereum node.

Let'due south get started.

Install Geth

To download Geth, go hither for Windows users. Then click on the "Geth for Windows" button.


For MacOS users, I recommend that yous download using homebrew. You can do so with the following commands:

                brew tap ethereum/ethereumbrew install ethereum              

Refer to Geth's instructions for more details.

Bank check that Geth is installed properly past typing geth version in the terminal (MacOS) or PowerShell (Windows).

Install Ethereum Wallet

We telephone call the GUI that interacts with the network the "wallet". You can discover many dissimilar wallets for Ethereum with a quick Google search (such as Parity, Jaxx, and MyEtherWallet). I personally like using Ethereum Wallet. It has a convenient interface, and I'm likewise a bit biased because it is developed by Ethereum itself.

You tin can find the installer hither.

Note: I prefer Ethereum Wallet to Mist. Mist is basically a browser that renders decentralized applications (dApps) and websites.

For the development of a smart contract, we will simply need the Ethereum Wallet.

Mainnet vs Testnet

In Ethereum, in that location are two main networks: the mainnet and the testnet.

The mainnet is used to transact real Ether. The Ether'southward value is tied to real fiat currency via cryptocurrency exchanges.

As developers, nosotros do not want to run awarding tests with real money. That is what the testnet is for.

We telephone call the testnet Ropsten.

Run Geth and Ethereum Wallet

When you're developing a smart contract, you lot should sync the testnet first. Nosotros will only need to sync the mainnet when we are ready to deploy.

You will need almost 30GB of storage space to sync a testnet. As there are more transactions in the mainnet, you will need virtually 100GB to sync a mainnet.

Annotation: some say that you need an SSD storage for fast writing so that the sync tin catch up with the latest cake. Personally, I find that HDD storage is alright. However, if given the choice, I would definitely use SSD storage.

For Windows users

For piece of cake access, I recommend that you create a folder to store the blockchain. For case, "C:\EthereumTestnet".

Later creating the folder, try running the post-obit command:

                geth — testnet — information-dir="C:\EthereumTestnet" — rpc — rpcapi eth,web3,net,personal              

Edit: It seems similar some arguments take inverse. If you encountered such fault "flag provided but not defined: -data-dir", endeavor changing the argument proper noun to — datadir instead to information-dir.

The argument --testnet specifies that we want to sync to the Ropsten network. Thus, to sync the mainnet, you lot merely need to take out the argument --testnet and change the data directory. For example:

geth — data-dir="C:\EthereumMainnet" — rpc — rpcapi eth,web3,net,personal

The --rpc statement enables the HTTP-RPC server. This allows usa to use certain services, such as what is stated in --rpcapi eth,web3,net,personal.

After entering the command, y'all should see something like this:

Geth starting up.

In order not to corrupt the blockchain, particularly after many hours of syncing, yous should NOT shut the control prompt abruptly. Ever terminate the sync past pressing Ctrl + C and wait until Geth shuts down the program for you.

Later on pressing Ctrl + C, Geth shuts down.

However, information technology is difficult to remember all the command and rpc services you need. That's why I suggest creating a shortcut or a batch file to help yous.

Simply create a file using any text editor you accept and relieve it as .bat file. For example, RunGethTestnet.bat (the name is not of import). Copy and paste the control into the file and save it. The next time you need to run Geth for Ropsten, just double click on the file.

After running Geth, nosotros have to run the Ethereum Wallet. As we want the interface to locate the verbal location where we synced our files using Geth, we execute information technology from the console.

Similar to Geth, I saved a batch file for it besides with an instance command, such as the one beneath:


Notation that your command might look a little unlike from mine, every bit you might shop your awarding in a different directory.

Alternatively, you can add together the application to your path.

The argument --node-datadir="C:\EthereumTestnet" states where I stored my chaindata, which is the verbal same one I specified for Geth.

For Mac Users

It is slightly simpler for MacOS, because the chaindata is downloaded automatically to the library and non hidden from the states. And then, nosotros won't demand to specify the data directory.

Notwithstanding, I recommend creating a script file to make running Geth and Ethereum Wallet easier.

Geth command for testnet
Command to run Ethereum Wallet

Note: Geth has to run earlier Ethereum Wallet.

Running Ethereum Wallet lonely will automatically first the syncing process as it will automatically run a Geth customer in the groundwork. This is user-friendly, only does not enable the RPC services nosotros want to use. Thus, we want to ensure RPC is enabled in both our Geth and Ethereum Wallet execution.

A few notes

  1. The syncing process is very long, and tin can take upwards to two–iii days. Delight have patience and consider leaving your computer turned on overnight.
  2. The syncing speed depends on your internet speed, peers count, and writing speed of your storage drive.
  3. Equally the information are stored in blocks and linked together, corruption in one block can corrupt the whole chaindata. This can potentially waste your endeavour in waiting days for the node to sync. Therefore, it is very important to shut downwardly your Geth properly. In sure cases, you might want to rollback. Just prevention is better than cure here.
  4. The progress bar on your Ethereum Wallet is Not accurate. Relying on information technology will give yous a lot of feet and frustration.
  5. Geth runs on port 30303 for external listening.
  6. The default port used for internal communication, for example betwixt your wallet and Geth, is 8545.

Make certain your port to Geth customer is opened

It's really important to make sure that the connection to your Geth client is non express. I huge headache I encountered was to let my firewall limit the number of connections I could accept through the Geth client.

You lot can spot this problem by looking at the peers count. If it stays consistently low at about 1–iii peers (for at least half an hour), there is a good chance your connection is limited. A healthy range is in a higher place v peers.

MacOS users

When yous run Geth, there should be a notification for you lot to allow connectedness. Well, of course, click on "Let.

To check, go to System Preferences> Organization & Privacy.

Under Firewall tab, click on Firewall Options.


Windows users

To open up your port, go to Command panel > System and Security > Windows defender firewall.

Click on Advanced settings. On the side panel, click on Inbound Rules.


The entering ports you want to open up are TCP and UDP 30303. So I created one dominion for TCP 30303 and another for UDP 30303.

You may need to open up your outbound ports for TCP 30303 too.

Note that whatsoever tertiary party firewall/anti-virus might limit your connections also, then make sure to configure it accordingly.

Attach to Geth

To retrieve more information about your node, you can attach to the Geth client and execute commands with it using the RPC services.

Hither's a simple way to check your syncing status: adhere to the client by entering the following control on a divide concluding/console.

geth attach http://127.0.0.i:8545

Again, you might desire to store it in a batch/script file for your own convenience.

Subsequently running the command, you lot should encounter something like this.


Type web3.eth and you should see a lot of information. To retrieve specific information on syncing, blazon web3.eth.syncing instead.


As you lot can see, the progress bar establish at the top of the Ethereum Wallet is merely a comparison betwixt the highestBlock and the currentBlock. As the highestBlock known to your computer might non be the actual highest cake, the progress bar might non reflect the existent progress.

In fact, the highestBlock and knownStates will keep to increase equally y'all sync your nodes.

Some final points

Every bit the technology is apace irresolute, always use the stable version of the customer and wallet to avoid giving yourself more headaches.

Also, note that there is always a workaround for any of the issues you face up. When you face a trouble syncing, you tin can try to search for solutions as you are probable not the start one to face the same trouble.

And always remind yourself that you do non demand to sync a node to develop a smart contract. Doing so merely helps to facilitate your understanding of the environment as well as your development process. So, don't beat yourself upwards over it if you encounter issues so early in the evolution process.

For more than of such manufactures, follow me or visit my site — A developer's perspective.

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