
How To Change Xbox Controller To Player 2

Aug 8, 2012
  • #1
About a month ago my wired Xbox controller started switching to role player 2 randomly. This only seems to happen when I play Rocket League and in the past calendar week it's gotten to the point that I tin't play 1 match without this happening. The worst function is the only way I can fix this is to restart my whole PC so it makes RL unplayable. I accept tried uninstalling the drivers which didn't seem to piece of work. Any ideas on what else to try or what's causing this
Mar 25, 2016
  • #ii
do you take 2 xbox controllers plugged in
Aug 8, 2012
  • #3
do you have 2 xbox controllers plugged in

No only i. It will work as player ane for a few minutes then randomly switch to player 2. I get the beep when y'all plug or unplug a device and so it volition switch to thespian ii. But restarting the PC will switch it back

Mar 25, 2016
  • #4
go to control panel- devices and printer. there are two types of controllers. one is xbox 360 controller for microsoft controlle and the other only "xbox 360 Wireless Controller" but delete the first 1. at present disconnect your controller marked withe player two. At last connect your controller once again. Now your controller is set to player one

become to Command Console->"Game Controllers" (In Vista/7, just type Game Controllers into the start menu search).

Once at that place, click "Advanced", select the 360 Controller from the drib-down, and then hit Ok both times. That should set the 360 controller to "Chief".

Then launch the game, go to Options, and switch "Thespian 1 Input" over to the 360 controller.

Aug 8, 2012
  • #5
go to command panel- devices and printer. there are 2 types of controllers. one is xbox 360 controller for microsoft controlle and the other only "xbox 360 Wireless Controller" just delete the showtime one. now disconnect your controller marked withe actor two. At last connect your controller again. Now your controller is set to player ane

go to Control Panel->"Game Controllers" (In Vista/7, just type Game Controllers into the beginning bill of fare search).

Once there, click "Advanced", select the 360 Controller from the drop-downward, then hitting Ok both times. That should set the 360 controller to "Principal".

Then launch the game, go to Options, and switch "Histrion one Input" over to the 360 controller.

In command panel and drop down I but had ane controller (Win 10). I'm non sure how to set input to first controller in Rocket League either.

I don't want to Jinx it but I might have constitute my issue. I clicked troubleshoot this device in control panel and it said information technology was an older device and might accept problems with USB 3 and then I plugged it into the 1 USB 2 port on my motherboard and information technology seems to work so far. I have played about 5 minutes with no switching even so. My fingers are crossed

Jul 23, 2018
  • #7
Nope, got about 10 minutes then it switched over again :(

Hey, I've looked everywhere considering I had the same problem.
Do yous take Nvidia Geforce Experience installed on your PC? Beause if y'all have that, and you are logged in and it'southward running in the background, shut information technology downwards! Geforce Experience has the possibility to stream, therefore it will somehow prepare equally Player 1 when the plan is running.
Information technology worked for me!

Dunno why Nvidia or Microsoft does non inform united states of america almost this;)


Dec 12, 2018
  • #8
Hi, i take the same upshot and Geforce Experience is not installed. I tried everything i found in Google, but nothing works. Only restarting the PC helps. I'chiliad using Win10 and a friend of me has the same issue with a diffrent xbox 360 controller on win vii. We both are using a wired controller, so Non a wireless controller.

The truth is that Microsoft is not able since 10 years, to become proper working drivers for this issue. I gauge you have to deal with it.

  • #ix
Almost a calendar month agone my wired Xbox controller started switching to role player 2 randomly. This but seems to happen when I play Rocket League and in the past week information technology's gotten to the signal that I can't play 1 match without this happening. The worst office is the only mode I tin fix this is to restart my whole PC so information technology makes RL unplayable. I have tried uninstalling the drivers which didn't seem to work. Any ideas on what else to attempt or what's causing this

Buy new controller the trouble is the cable off your controller ;)

Aug 8, 2012
  • #10
About a month ago my wired Xbox controller started switching to player 2 randomly. This only seems to happen when I play Rocket League and in the past week it's gotten to the point that I can't play 1 match without this happening. The worst part is the only way I can set up this is to restart my whole PC so it makes RL unplayable. I accept tried uninstalling the drivers which didn't seem to work. Any ideas on what else to try or what'due south causing this

Buy new controller the problem is the cable off your controller ;)

Information technology'due south not the cable. Later a Windows update the problem stopped happening and so information technology was something to do with Windows

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How To Change Xbox Controller To Player 2,


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