
How Do I Change My Empire Name In Game Of War

I went crazy early on in Rising of Empire trying to detect the way to alter my proper name in the game and select something other than the generic proper name that I had received, just like the ton of other players. But, male child, that was hard!

Notwithstanding, in today's article I am going to share with yous a quick guide on how to change your name in Rise of Empire: once you know it, it's extremely easy to do! And then allow's not waste a single second and instead let's get this started!

1. First thing that you lot need to practise is go to the World map past borer the icon in the bottom right corner.

2. Once there, tap your Kingdom to activate your town's menu and from at that place tap the card that reads "My Details" as seen in the paradigm below:

3. In the new window, you will have some details about your kingdom and performance in game. But what matters the most to us correct at present is that you can alter your name from there:

In society to change your name, simply tap the icon next to your current in-game name and write that ane that you want. Make sure that you write a name you'd like to stick to every bit information technology will cost 2,000 Gems to change it after.

And this is it! This is how you tin can finally change your proper noun in Rise of Empire – a lot easier now that you know how to do information technology.

Have in mind that irresolute your name might be related to your Castle's level. I can't remember exactly, but I believe that you are only immune to change your name once your Castle reaches level 6.

So if you're trying to modify information technology and the pick is not there, don't lose hope – upgrade your castle instead and before long you lot will be able to modify your name.

If you desire to check out more than useful guides for Ascent of Empire, brand sure to start with our generic Tips and Tricks article where nosotros have set up a complete strategy guide for the game. Also take a wait at all the articles published for RoE and encounter what guides will assist you well-nigh.

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How Do I Change My Empire Name In Game Of War,


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