
How To Change Ui Colors Elite Dangerous

How To Modify Elite Dangerous HUD Color: The Ultimate Guide

BySharon R. Lee

July 1, 2021

The Elite Dangerous HUD interface is a critical role of the game. Information technology displays important information that players need to know, such as the actor'southward electric current wellness and shield status, the ship'due south current speed, and more.

Many people customise their HUD in social club to accommodate their own specific needs. Some players will remove certain features such as the radar from the HUD in guild to play with a minimalistic interface or focus on other information that they deem more important. Other players prefer a more cluttered HUD and and then will include all available features on their screen at all times regardless of whether they are currently being used or non.

The HUD is a crucial part of any game, as it conveys vital information to the player. Elite: Dangerous has three unlike HUD color options, which are "Standard", "Brighter" and "Darker". These colors can be changed in the menu options of the game for both PC and Xbox One versions. The Standard option is a traditional greenish-ish hue that will show your ship'due south speed, heading and shield status. The Brighter HUD option has most information displayed in a brighter shade with

simply two levels of effulgence: dim and brighter. This displays your ship'southward speed, shield status and heading but also adds information about your current target such equally cargo capacity or the armaments equipped on the target.

The Elite Dangerous HUD colour theme editor is built to make customizing your own color scheme easier. With a convenient interface and a diversity of options, it lets you apply the perfect scheme to your send. Aristocracy Dangerous HUD color theme editor lets y'all lucifer your cockpit with your favorite team's colors, or put together a unique combination for yourself. You can also cull from different pre-made schemes that are available in the Elite Dangerous community forums.

What is the Elite Dangerous HUD colour?

Most players will utilise the default bluish-grey color for their Elite Dangerous HUD. All the same, there are also other colors available such equally green, orangish, purple, pinkish and so on. These additional colors allow for players to customize the look of their Aristocracy Dangerous HUD by adjusting the visibility of different areas, removing the HUD entirely, or simply using a unlike color. However, if a player desires to display a specific color scheme throughout their entire Elite Unsafe experience so they can set this color every bit their primary menu background color. Of course, the major drawback to customizing the Aristocracy Dangerous HUD is the lack of a nifty number of colors bachelor.

Why Every Player Needs a Customized Elite Unsafe HUD?

It's piece of cake to ignore a HUD that does not wait like yours. Most players, who are new to Elite Dangerous, will spend a lot of time only getting to grips with the game and interacting with the game's interface. What is a matter of minutes for experienced players could be a stressful and time-consuming process for new players. This is why you demand to consider your preferences and those of your swain players when information technology comes to customizing your Elite Dangerous HUD. Hither are some key reasons why customising your Elite Dangerous HUD is a must for all Elite Dangerous players. Expect at this! Benefits of customized HUDs Reduced Worrying Over HUD to Game: When a player changes their HUD blueprint, they focus their attention solely on the game screen and non on the HUD at all.

Why Elite Dangerous HUD Should Be More Immersive?

At that place are many reasons why the Elite Dangerous HUD should be more immersive. We accept discussed a few of them in our article Why is Elite Dangerous Remote Login So Exciting? but for the purposes of this post, we will be focusing more than on customising the HUD for optimal immersion. The functionality that we will be looking at includes making the HUD more compact, colorizing the HUD, and reducing the number of features. With these changes, the Aristocracy Unsafe HUD would be more immersive. These changes would also let the Elite Unsafe HUD to fit more information into a smaller infinite which means that in that location volition be less moving parts on the screen and thus less chance of an error.

How to Modify Elite Dangerous HUD Color

The Elite Dangerous HUD interface is a disquisitional function of the game. It displays of import information that players need to know, such every bit the thespian's current health and shield condition, the ship's current speed, and more.The HUD is made up of many panels. Some tin exist hidden. To change the color of any console you desire, only right-click on it and select "Bear witness options…" and follow the steps. In most cases, you volition exist asked if you want to change the panel's colour to an RGB value. The value will exist in the format "R=255, G=255, B=255." This values are gear up in units of 1, and that means that they tin can be inverse without having to deal with any decimal values at all. There are a few more steps involved when you change the colour, however. To learn more than about these steps, click hither.

How to Change Elite Dangerous HUD Opacity

There are many different colors that the Elite Unsafe HUD can display, and each colour is associated with a different opacity. For example, orange and green colors are displayed at a 50% opacity. Scarlet and purple colors are displayed at a 75% opacity. Blue and black colors are displayed at a 100% opacity. The college the opacity, the more clearly the colored elements of the HUD volition exist seen by players. All the same, this comes at the cost of making it more hard to read sure sections of the HUD such as the proper noun of the ship, the threat indicator, or the radar. In order to modify the opacity of the Elite Dangerous HUD, players must open up upwards the Condition tab in the Inspector of the game and set the selection called HUD Opacity to 0.

Why even change the HUD?

Changing the HUD tin too exist seen every bit a compromise between unlike preferences. Some players are happy to alive with an overly chaotic HUD, while other players prefer a smaller, less detailed interface. I prefer to vary my HUD depending on the situation or what I need to know. Choosing betwixt the unlike HUD themes can aid you to determine what sort of HUD is all-time for you. Themes include the following: Theme 1: The basic color. You have to know which color to change to if you lot want to practise this. Many people prefer this theme as it is extremely simple and elementary colors are easier to distinguish than complex colors. Most players will opt for a black or dark grey for their primary HUD colors. Theme 2: The main color.

How to change the HUD

Hitting the Menu push while in-game volition bring up the HUD configuration card. There are a number of customisation options that tin be used in society to get the HUD that is near pleasing to the middle. You tin can choose to have the HUD color change automatically, with the color changing on a quarter hourly ground. You lot tin also make the HUD greyscale in order to make the unlike shades of grey more visible. By choosing a brighter tint, colors become more vibrant and striking. A costless color changer can be downloaded on the Aristocracy Dangerous official website which allows you lot to modify the colour of the HUD entirely. Y'all can add together colors to the interface, with the option to customize those colors according to your preference.

How to change Elite Dangerous HUD transparency

The HUD is very likely the most highly customisable part of Elite Dangerous. In this article, we'll explore how to customize it's transparency. By default, the HUD is solid black. However, you can change it to transparent by clicking on the HUD while in-game, then pressing the 'CTRL' key (which is the Esc cardinal on PC) and selecting 'customize HUD Transparency'. A light-green checkmark will appear next to '(0.25)(30). You can then increase or decrease this value depending on your preference.

How to change Elite Dangerous HUD size

With the recent update to Elite Dangerous players take had the option to adjust the HUD'south size on the fly, just how does this affect the interface? To change the size of the HUD, only go into the upper left hand corner of the screen. In this surface area, in the lesser left manus corner of the screen, you will see a list of options. The one that y'all want is: "Control mode" The Command mode controls what information is displayed on the HUD. Past pressing this button, you can view what the HUD will show, and in what order. If you want to access the Elite Unsafe HUD but do not want to change the HUD size, simply press Command when the HUD is selected. This will take you to a very small HUD with no information. This blazon of HUD volition show the transport's status in the top left paw corner.

What is the Elite Dangerous HUD color theme editor?

The Elite Dangerous HUD colour theme editor is a tool that allows you to adjust the colors of your ship's HUD so that you are aligned with the color schemes of your team. This tool comes with a variety of elementary options to adjust different aspects of the UI's colour, or use information technology to create a custom color scheme. Once y'all've created a color scheme, you tin choose which options you wish to apply to it. In addition to adding custom colour schemes to your ship'southward HUD, you can too use this tool to create your own unique combination of colors. Are you a visual artist? Do you lot fancy mixing your ain colour schemes? Then this is the tool for you.

How to Download the New Elite Dangerous HUD Colour Theme Editor

Once downloaded, install the Elite Unsafe HUD Colour theme editor for Windows, and you're ready to customize your transport. Notation that this should be a standalone application, not a modernistic – you can download it hither: This application requires a minimum Windows Vista system and a DirectX 9 graphics card. If you don't have a DirectX nine graphics menu, the awarding will still work, but yous may need to download the required graphics card driver and and then run the application. You can download the driver from here:

How to install the Elite Dangerous HUD color theme editor

Install Aristocracy Dangerous Launch the game you desire to edit and click the Play Game button on the bottom of the home screen You will need to select the ship you want to change the HUD colour scheme for Printing the L2/RT buttons (or F2/F3) to open up the menu Click "HUD Colour Editor" from the HUD Color Editor bill of fare Awards: The game is available on the post-obit platforms: Other Customisation Options There are several other options that y'all can alter for your ship and its cockpit. You tin can besides change the colour of the hull, stickers and decals for each of your ships.

How to use the Elite Dangerous HUD color theme editor

Once yous've downloaded the Aristocracy Dangerous HUD colour theme editor, yous'll demand to use it to modify your Elite Dangerous HUD colours. You'll as well be able to search for other planes and ships to go a more customized look. To do and then, become to the Elite Dangerous HUD color theme editor app and click on the '+' sign beneath the list of available items. Click on the '+' sign below the list of items The list of items will become more than colourful and, if you click on one of them, you lot'll be able to select it and become started customizing your Elite Dangerous HUD colour scheme. Click on the item you lot desire to modify to access a picture of your ship in the HUD and become started making your changes To undo changes, click on the x button, located above each panel.

Elite Unsafe HUD color theme editor features

Clean and streamlined interface that makes it piece of cake to employ your called color scheme List of colors to choose from that includes 8 different scheme sizes Panel type/size for better viewing Step-by-step instructions for you to follow Simple 3D effect makes it easier to match your colors Take this challenge and we'll throw in a re-create of the game. Elite: Dangerous Texture 2d Settings Editor Tutorial "C.O.A.South.E. – Coordinated Orbit Insertion Technique" – Nosotros all know how of import it is to be well coordinated and work together to get the job done. To assist you go the most out of the HUD, nosotros have created a handy little guide. Mileage: How to Personalize Your Boat in Aristocracy: Unsafe A list of the unlike boats, their specifications and their advent.

How to share your ain color theme

Share your customised colour schemes with the community When you lot're ready to share your own customised colour scheme, you can download the file and import information technology to the game. If yous've completed missions, y'all can share the unedited version of the file to get some feedback. While some people prefer the default color scheme, you lot are always welcome to brand your own. Notice out more about your Elite: Dangerous HUD color scheme in our guidelines. Want to endeavour out the Elite Unsafe HUD colour theme editor? You tin can download the build here. Thanks for reading and check out our other guides!

How to Change the Colour of Your Ship's Interior in a Thing of Seconds

The Aristocracy Dangerous HUD color theme editor includes a diverseness of color options for your cockpit, walls and air vents. It's easy to experiment with your choices, but your options volition increase with your progress through the game. At the stop of the Elite Dangerous entrada, there is a much larger diversity of colors available for your ship interior. With your ship fully customized, the Elite Dangerous HUD color theme editor is a great way to liven up your hazard. You lot tin can download the tool here. Elite Dangerous content download for PC is available for free via Origin'southward Games Vault.

Oft Asked Questions (FAQs)

i. How to change hud colour elite unsafe ps4?

  • In the options menu, there is an option called 'Hud On'. Toggle this on.
  • Play the game and press commencement at any time to admission the main menu. From in that location, you can modify your HUD settings and view the controls.
  • In the options card, select 'Hud On'. Toggle on the HUD from here too, then

two. How do I change my hud color in elite dangerous 2021?

  1. Click on the Elite Dangerous logo in the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Go to Options > HUDS > HUD Colors > and select a color.

iii. How to change hud color elite unsafe mac?

  • To change the color of your HUD in Elite: Dangerous, you can either employ a tool such every bit Reshade or manually alter the 'gui.swf' file found in your game folders.
  • To alter the file manually, open a text editor such as Notepad and copy the following codes into it:

4. How do I modify my hud color in aristocracy dangerous xbox one?

    Step 1: Open the "My Xbox" app on your Xbox Ane.

    Pace 2: Select "Manage Game".

    Step 3: In the list of games, select "Elite: Unsafe".

    Step 4: Select "Change Theme".

    Pace 5: From the "Select a Theme" bill of fare, select the color you want.

    Step vi: Click the button to save the changes.

5. How to change hud color elite dangerous horizons?

  • Open the color.xml file in your Elite Dangerous Horizons folder.
  • Scroll to the lesser of the listing of colors and change your color to a new one similar this:
  • This will give you a new colour scheme for your HUD.

6. How to change elite dangerous hud color steam?

  • Correct click on your Elite: Unsafe
  • "Hud" tab to create a new color scheme
  • Click the color bar to choice a color

Elite Dangerous NEW HUD color mode 2020 tutorial / install


If yous've read this guide and you lot're still unsure of how to change Elite Dangerous HUD color, then take a look at the following video: This video shows an Elite Dangerous player irresolute their HUD colour to a dark blue colour which in turn, makes the game a much more than comfortable experience. Then if you're still unsure how to change Elite Dangerous HUD colour, then watch the video above! Which color is the all-time for yous? Have you changed your HUD color at all in Elite Dangerous?

Most the writer

Hi There! I'g Lee. Welcome to A Pretty Gear up, a home DIY blog about making your abode colorful, decorating, and helping colors ideas and fun. Here you'll find ideas, tips, and inspiration to alive life more colorfully and beautifully. Hope you stick effectually!


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