
How To Change Inground Pool Light Bulb

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Typically, backyard swimming pools are equipped with i or more than underwater lights. Only similar any light, the bulb tin can burn out and will demand to exist replaced. There is no need to lower the h2o level in your puddle to replace the burned-out bulb. Instead, y'all tin can remove the light housing from the side of the puddle, pull the fixture up onto the side of the puddle, and change the low-cal bulb there.

  1. 1

    Shut off all power to the pool lighting. You lot'll exercise this at your dwelling house's circuit breaker box. One of the breakers should be marked "pool." Switch this breaker into the "off" position to turn off all electricity to the puddle.[one]

    • Some pond pools have been equipped with their own breaker boxes. If you lot don't see a "pool" breaker in your main electrical box, expect effectually most your pool to run into if at that place's a second box nearby.
  2. 2

    Bank check to make sure ability is off past trying to turn on the pool lights. Y'all don't desire to adventure possible electrocution, and so flip the pool lights on and off to make sure the pool isn't receiving any electrical ability.

    • If you only have i pool light, endeavor switching the pool pump on and off. If the power is truly off, the pump won't turn on.


  3. iii

    Remove the single spiral at the elevation of the fixture. This spiral, chosen the "screwlock," is the only affair belongings the low-cal fixture to the pool wall. In almost all cases, this will be a large Phillips-caput screw, and then yous will demand a Phillips screwdriver to remove it. Ringlet upward your sleeves, stick your arm beneath the surface of the water, and unscrew the screwlock.[2]

    • If the light is low on the side of your pool, or if your arm is besides short to achieve, you'll have to become into the pool to unscrew the spiral-lock and remove the fixture.
    • In one case y'all've unscrewed the screwlock, place information technology someplace where it won't scroll away and go lost. A shirt pocket is a good choice.
  4. 4

    Pry the light fixture out of the niche box with a flat-head screwdriver. Most light fixtures volition have a tab at the bottom which allows you to pull the fixture away from the wall. Work this tab loose with the apartment-head screwdriver. Likewise utilise the screwdriver to loosen the fixture in a few other locations.[3]

    • Once it's loose enough, work your fingers in and pull the lite fixture out of the wall.
  5. 5

    Pull the pool lighting fixture up onto the puddle decking. There should be plenty of cord coiled up in the niche box to allow you lot to lift out the fixture and move it to the deck. Slowly depict the fixture and the cord behind information technology upwards onto the pool deck and set up it on the physical surface.[iv]

    • If the cord isn't unraveling, achieve into the wall behind the lite fixture and requite the cord 2-iii sharp tugs.


  1. one

    Remove the cover and lens from the light fixture. The method will vary based on the historic period of your puddle. Older puddle models will have screws that need to exist removed to permit yous to pull out the lens. Newer pool lights will most likely take tabs that need to be pried loose. Remove the lens and gear up information technology aside in a rubber place. Do the aforementioned with the rubber gasket that sits between the lens and the metallic fixture.[5]

    • Brand sure that you don't splash any h2o into the fixture when you remove the lens and gasket.
  2. 2

    Purchase a replacement seedling identical to the bulb in the light. Consult your pool's handbook or user manual to observe out the exact type of seedling the fixture requires. So, pay a visit to a local pool-supply shop and purchase the corresponding bulb. Make sure that the size, brand, and series numbers of the 2 bulbs match.[six]

    • If you tin't find the exact seedling you need in a pool-supply store, purchase the bulb online. You can purchase replacement pool bulbs through major online retailers or through the pool manufacturer's website.
    • If yous're worried that the calorie-free fixture may be leaking, y'all can also purchase a new rubber gasket to seal the fixture and preclude water from getting in.
  3. three

    Unscrew the old bulb and spiral the new ane into place with a towel. Once the lens and gasket are out of the way, you'll exist able to achieve in and grasp the 3 in (vii.6 cm) seedling. Twist the bulb counterclockwise to unscrew it. Once you've removed information technology, hold onto the new bulb with a towel. Identify the bulb in the center of the fixture and twist it clockwise.[vii]

    • Never directly touch the lightbulb. The oils on your fingers can harm a halogen bulb and crusade it to burn out speedily.
    • Dispose of the old seedling safely by throwing it in a trash tin.
  4. iv

    Turn the power on for 2-3 seconds to test the light and see if it works. Go back to the circuit breaker or pool electric box and flip the switch back to "on." Run into if the light turns on. If information technology does, immediately plow the switch back to "off." This volition save you lot the hassle of installing the new seedling only to discover out that it doesn't work.[viii]

    • If you leave the puddle low-cal on for longer than five seconds, the bulb may burn down itself out. Halogen bulbs like those used in puddle lights are extremely hot. If y'all turn the lite on without absurd water surrounding it, it will quickly overheat and burn down out.[nine]


  1. one

    Supervene upon the lens and reassemble the fixture. Place the gasket and the lens back in place covering the bulb.[10] Every bit you're putting the parts of the light fixture back together, utilise the border of your towel to dry any water that's dripped into the fixture.

  2. 2

    Replace all screws and lock in all tabs to close the lite fixture. You lot'll simply reverse the disassembling process to re-assemble the puddle calorie-free fixture. If yous removed small screws from the fixture while you were taking it apart, at present's the time to spiral those back into identify. Tighten them then that the gasket is pressed flat between the lens and fixture cover.[11]

    • If y'all're dealing with a newer model pool low-cal fixture that doesn't take screws, make sure that the tabs are all firmly pushed into position so that the fixture is sealed close.
  3. 3

    Identify the fixture back into light niche and screw in the top screw. Concord the fixture in your hand and reach below the surface of the water. Insert the fixture back into the niche that you withdrew it from before. Take the screw-lock screw and insert it back into the hole at the top of the fixture. And so, use your Phillips head screwdriver to tighten the screw into position.[12]

    • You'll also demand to feed the cablevision dorsum into the wall if y'all had to tug information technology out. An easy way to practice this is to wrap the cord iii-4 times around the base of operations of the fixture earlier yous insert it into the wall.
  4. 4

    Turn the power back on past switching the circuit breaker to "on." This will restore electricity to the pool light. Once the circuits are connected again, turn the light on to make sure information technology is working correctly.[xiii]

    • If the light however isn't working correctly, you may exist dealing with a more serious electric problem. In this example, contact the puddle's manufacturer and ask them to send a repair specialist to inspect the pool.


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  • Question

    Do you accept to get in the water to exercise this?

    Community Answer

    Not necessarily. If you can reach the screw holding the light assembly in place from outside the pool, you don't take to go into the pool to alter the light.

  • Question

    Practice I have to bleed a pool to alter the light bulb?

    Community Answer

    You do not take to drain the puddle if you can remove the light assembly.

  • Question

    The screw-in LED lights in my pool work, but there's mold growing within them. Tin can I clean them?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Follow the steps on how to remove the light, and be certain to plow off the billow outset. If the globe surrounding your LED is sealed, and there are no tabs or screws holding the piece together, place the calorie-free in a 2% bleach concentrate for 24 hours. Follow that past letting the light sit down in the sunday, not submersed in h2o, for several days or until the condensation is gone. If there are no screws or tabs, utilise RTV sealant (caulk) at the seam, and allow to dry prior to re-installing. If it is a two slice, substitute the RTV caulk step by replacing the O-band and re-tighten the bolts or screws.

  • Question

    My light is working, but seems to be moving around a bit. The "tab" you lot reference at the bottom, adjacent from the spiral, may have come out or become loose. What tin can I exercise?

    Community Answer

    They brand a wedge just for that. Any pool store should have it or exist able to social club information technology for yous if it's not in stock.

  • Question

    What size breaker in amps is needed to run i puddle and i spa light if a 20 amp breaker keeps tripping?

    Community Answer

    Y'all have the right size; in that location is a pause in the wiring between the billow and the light/switch used to plow the light off/on, or a leak in one of your lights. In social club to stop the breaker from tripping, you'll need to determine the source of the power "going to ground" (an electrician can assist diagnose this problem). Putting a bigger breaker in place of the old ane ensures only one of 2 things -- more harm to the electrical components or astringent injury to you or anyone who comes in contact with the h2o.

  • Question

    I need to replace the screw that holds the lamp. Should I employ brass or stainless steel?



    Community Respond

    Use brass. Stainless steel screws will corrode rather quickly when submerged underwater, while brass screws will not corrode.

  • Question

    Why is my puddle low-cal bulb fading from dim to brilliant?



    Community Answer

    This could exist caused past various problems. Open upwards the fixture and make sure there isn't any h2o within behind the lens. Dry the lens if it is wet. The dimming bulb may also need to be replaced.

  • Question

    How practise I change a pool lite if the tabs and screws are corroded and broken?



    Community Answer

    You lot may need to utilize a pair of pliers to unscrew or pull out the spiral and tabs. When you reinstall the light fixture, be certain to apply contumely screws (not stainless steel). You may need to supersede the entire fixture, depending on how bad the corrosion is.

  • Question

    I have brown spots that are spreading in my pool and they don't come up off when I brush them. What could they exist?

    Community Answer

    We have those temporary brown stains every autumn from dropping acorns. It dissolves on its own in a few days.

  • Question

    Tin can I get color bulb or lens cover?

    Community Answer

    I would imagine that that would be possible as long as they are the right size.

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  • After you lot have replaced the bulb, make sure you don't bump or drop it. The filament in the bulb is fragile and might pause.

  • Do non reattach the lens when you test the replacement bulb. Leaving the lens off will let heat to dissipate so equally non to scissure the lens.

  • Practise not attempt to change the light until yous are absolutely certain the pool lighting circuit is asunder. If the excursion is still active, you could exist seriously hurt by the electric current.

  • If your lens is equipped with tabs, take care not to damage the waterproof gasket when prying up the lens.


Things Y'all'll Need

  • Replacement bulb
  • Phillips-head screwdriver
  • Flat-headed screwdriver
  • Towels

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Article Summary X

To change a pool light, start past shutting off all power to the pool using your home's circuit breaker. So, remove the screw at the top of the lighting fixture and use a flat-head screwdriver to pry the fixture out of the niche box. Next, unscrew or pry the encompass and lens off the fixture and supersede the onetime bulb with a new identical one. Finally, supervene upon the lens, reassemble the fixture, and screw the fixture back into the niche box. To learn how to purchase a replacement bulb for your pool low-cal, whorl downward!

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